Technology cannot cure all ills, but it can do a lot of good--
What if technology could undermine drug violence in Brazil? - "A debate in Rio de Janeiro focuses on how access to information and technology among low-income youth might weaken the drug trade and empower young people in favelas. . . . he explains that today, for the first time ever, many young favela residents have the luxury of dreaming and experimenting, as middle- and upper-class kids do. There are 108,000 Lan houses, or cyber cafĂ©s in low-income neighborhoods, in all of Brazil, according to Eliane Costa, until recently responsible for culture grants at the Petrobras state oil giant. By contrast, National Book Foundation statistics for 2007 indicate a total of 5,110 libraries across the country. It’s about the screen, mouse, and keyboard, stupid--Could it be that a growing number of favela youth are doing exactly what a growing number of middle- and upper-class young Brazilians are doing? In Rio, people with experience like that of Ludemir say favela youth are surprisingly tuned in."
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How to stop doomscrolling
The world is bad sometimes, but it feels even worse if you can’t stop
staring into the all-consuming abyss that is the 6-inch screen of a
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